How to integrate Square Payments into Shopify?
Are you trying to integrate Square payments on Shopify your e-commerce store? We got you covered, now with Webinopoly's custom Shopify app, you will be able to accept payments using Square payment gateway and have seamless integration with Shopify.
This private app will allow your customers to add products to cart and check them out using a custom checkout page that looks exactly the same as Shopify's checkout page and processes the credit card details using Square payment gateway. Here are some of the features this custom checkout page offers:
1- Compatible with Square payment gateway.
2- Square payments is a go-to solution for CBD & Functional Remedies stores.
3- Seamless integration with Shopify.
4- The checkout page looks exactly the same as Shopify checkout page.
5- The checkout page works under the same domain name as your store.
6- The checkout page is totally customizable, please contact us if you need to add or remove any fields from it, or maybe change the design.
For more info, please contact us or call us at 713-805-5888